This week I’ve had the pleasure and honor of being included in the New York Feminist Film Week, a festival with a lineup of incredible films and filmmakers. The event is at Anthology Film Archives in NYC.
I am part of:
Program 2: BODIES (International Women’s Day Wednesday March 8, 2017 at 6:30.
Joey Carducci (formerly known as Gina Carducci), Nona Faustine, Sasha Just, krissy Mahan, Patricia Silva and Mila Zou
Program 6: Feminist Film Genealogies Roundtable Saturday Match 11, 2017 at 5pm
With Signe Baumane, Joey Carducci (formerly known as Gina Carducci),
Nona Faustine, Barbara Hammet (yes, really), Sascha Just, krissy Mahan, Constanta Mirré, Joanna Rytel, Patricia Silva, and Mila Zou.